
Upload enumeration tools to a linux server

3 minute read Published:

One of the first things I was asking myself when finally getting access to a linux server at my very beginning was 'How do I even upload the enumeration tools to do the privilege escalation?'. I got the question from someone who was beginning on HTB recently so this short article might help.
Privilege Escalation (privesc) When getting access to a server, either during a CTF or a pentesting assignment, you will probably have a limited access to the server itself. Probably because you accessed it through a compromised user. Your goal is to find a way to become root which would give you unlimited access to the server and the running programs. See, developers and sysadmins can make mistakes and have the programs running with the wrong settings.

Pentesting tools

This page will be a completely chaotic list of tools, articles, and resources I use regularly in Pentesting and CTF situations. My goal is to update this list as often as possible with examples, articles, and useful tips. It will serve as a reference for myself when I forget things and hopefully help other to discover tools that they haven’t used. If you know of more tools or find a mistake, please contact me on Twitter or by email (links above).