The Forest Windows box retired this weekend on HackTheBox. Getting user was quite straight forward but escalating privileges was a little more compricated. We’ll have a look at BloodHound for that last step, it’s an open source tool that I use a lot for work now and that I can’t recommend enough.
1: Recon First, I do the usual nmap scan I start with on all boxes: nmap -A -T5 10.
The Bastion Windows box retired this weekend on HackTheBox. It was a Windows box, quite easy to solve but learned a lot along the way. It’s my first write-up of a HTB box so it might not be the best but hopefully it will be a nice summary! We learn about SMB, mounting VHD in Linux, stealing Windows hashes, cracking them with John, and exploiting a program for Privesc.
1: Recon First, I do the usual nmap scan I start with on all boxes: nmap -A -oN nmap-bastion.
The i18 has 13 challenges that you can find at this address. This CTF is in Norwegian, but has a very small amount of text so google translate is more than enough, but I will translate the text and clues to english here. This is the first part of my writeup where I will do the first 4 challenges. It is very possible that I will make mistakes or take longer path to the flag, so if you have any recommandation or correction, feel free to contact me by email or twitter.